Understanding the dashboard settings

The Dashboard (wp-admin) is the first screen you see when you log into the administration area of your blog.

You can get to this dashboard by adding /wp-admin to the end of your site’s url (e.g.: example.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/wp-admin)

The main idea of the dashboard is to give you a place where you can get an at-a-glance overview of what’s happening with your blog.

The features available to you in the Dashboard will depend on your user role. View a summary of these differences in EduBlogs ‘User Role Overview’.

Key features of the Dashboard

This article offers a comprehensive overview of all the features available on your dashboard. Please note that we do not have the My Class or Upgrade and +Pro Account functionality enabled for the Bristol Blogs network.

Settings overview

The Settings menu inside your blog dashboard is where you configure how your blog works.


Plugins are small applications that you can activate to enhance the functionality of your WordPress site.

This includes anything from adding content elements such as an events calendar, to adding tools which help you to improve the way your site functions, eg search engine optimisation.

CampusPress, the University’s WordPress service provider, manage an approved list of plugins on our behalf by keeping them up to date and ensuring each plugin meets a certain level of security, accessibility and usability.

You can find an available list of plugins via your dashboard navigation menu, under ‘Plugins’.

You can activate (or deactivate) any plugin in the list. Find out more about a particular plugin by following the plugin’s ‘Documentation’ link.

For some plugins (eg Jetpack) you will need to set up a separate (non-UoB) account via WordPress.com for them to work.