Creating new categories and tags to curate content

As a Blog Editor you will benefit from creating new categories and tags for your blog so you can curate content that you and fellow blog contributors create.

Categories vs. Tags

Categories and tags are both used to help readers find posts and navigate through information on your blog site. Categories offer a broader overview of the topics you blog about, similar to the chapters of a book.

Tags, on the other hand, are similar to an index of a book: they are much more granular and divide a blog topic into as many smaller subtopics as necessary and relevant.

Learn more about the difference between categories and tags.

It is important to add as many categories and tags as you need to make your post easier to find.

Adding categories to your posts

Categories are normally displayed at the top or bottom of posts and in your sidebar if you are using the Category widget.

When your readers click on a category link, they are taken to a page that lists all posts assigned to that category.

There are a few different ways you can assign categories to your posts. Find out more about how to add new categories to your blog and how to manage your categories.

Adding tags to your posts

Tags are always displayed on your blog posts as a tag cloud in your sidebar. When your readers click on a tag name, they are taken to a page that lists all posts that use that tag. As a general rule, the larger the size of the word in the tag cloud, the more posts have been tagged with that name.

There are a few different ways you can add tags to your posts. Find out more about how to add and manage your tags.