User roles and permissions

Blog administrators can change a user’s role within the site. Different roles permit a user to have certain responsibilities and levels of control.

Five roles you can assign users on a blog (in decreasing level of responsibility).
AdministratorHas complete power over posts, pages, plugins, comments, choice of theme, settings, assigning user roles, and deleting the site. Can give access to others to edit the site.
EditorAble to publish and manage posts and pages (including those written by other users), upload files and moderate comments.
AuthorCan write and publish their own posts, and upload files.
ContributorCan write posts but not publish them; these are instead submitted for review to an administrator or editor.
SubscriberCan read and write comments.

Change someone’s role

First, make sure your user is added to your blog.

Then you can change their role:

  1. On your site’s dashboard, navigate to Users > All Users.
    • Make sure you are in your own site’s dashboard
  2. Select the checkbox next to their username.
  3. In the menu above the list of users, select the Change role to… dropdown
  4. Choose the relevant role for the access level they need and click the Change button.