Giving someone access to edit your site

Giving access to University staff and postgraduate research students

To add a user to your blog, they first need to set up their own account on the Bristol Blogs Network. Give them these instructions:

  1. Firstly, please read our Terms and Conditions for using Bristol Blogs.
  2. Go to
  3. Click on ‘University of Bristol login’
  4. Log in with your UoB username and password (if you are already signed in to your UoB account on another browser tab, eg signed in to Outlook, it may sign you in automatically)
  5. This auto-creates your user account.

Once they are registered on the Bristol Blogs Network, the blog’s Administrator will be able to grant them their required access level. To do this:

  1. On your site’s dashboard, navigate to Users > Add New. Make sure you are in your own site’s dashboard
  2. Under ‘Add Existing User’, start typing the email address or username of the user you’d like to add. Email address may be their email address or their shorter id email address, for example
  3. Select the relevant role for the access level they require
  4. Click the ‘Add Existing User’ button
  5. Your new user will be automatically added to your blog. To check this, you can navigate to ‘Users > All Users’ and the new user should be listed alongside their role. The new user should also see your blog listed under ‘My Sites’ when they have logged in.

Giving access to users from another organisation

As a blog owner you may want to add users from another organisation so that they can create new posts, as a regular guest contributor, for example, or because your project is multi-institutional.

To do this, you will need to contact with:

  • the user’s email address
  • a username of the user’s choosing
  • user’s first name and second name
  • user role (otherwise the user is added as a subscriber)
  • blog URL

Once the user has been added to the Bristol Blogs network, they will receive an email with instructions to log in to their allocated blog site.

Giving access to undergraduate and postgraduate taught students

Undergraduate and postgraduate taught students are unable to create their own blog. However, if you are a blog owner you can give an undergraduate or postgraduate taught student access to edit your blog. To do this, follow the instructions above for giving access to users from another organisation.