Create a new blog

Create a new blog on the Bristol Blogs network. University staff and postgraduate research students can start a new blog at no cost.

Undergraduate and postgraduate taught students cannot create blogs. However, blog owners can give students contributor access.

This is a self-supported service, and you are responsible for the creation and day-to-day running of the site.

Blog set up process

First you need to read the terms and conditions for using Bristol Blogs.

Then you’ll need to create a user account on the blog platform:

  1. Go to the Bristol Blogs sign in page
  2. Click on ‘University of Bristol login’
  3. Log in with your University username and password
  4. This auto-creates your user account.

After you’ve created an account you can create a blog:

  1. Go to the Bristol Blogs new site page
  2. Complete the form
    1. Enter a short name for your site in the “Site Domain” box. This appears as a prefix to in your website’s address
    2. Enter a title for your website in the “Site Title” box
    3. Leave the site language as ‘English (UK)’
    4. Choose a privacy option
  3. Click the ‘Create Site’ button.
  4. Click on the confirmation link to activate your new site.

When you activate your site you will be taken to your profile dashboard.

To access and edit your site, hover over ‘My Sites’ in the navigation bar across the top of the screen, and select your site from the drop-down list.